Here are some posts from users of NOLA:
6089.1.1.1. its pretty funny and sad
by maurypovich, 1/29/06 17:37 ET
Re: $10,000,000 and say goodbye to the Hornets NO by OKHORNETS1, 1/29/06
that your lame hick mobile homa azz lives in a new orleans website chat forum 24 hours a day especially on a weekend with nothing else to do. you are one pathetic inbred jokelahoma ***** and everytime you post its more evident. i bet you were one of those coward sissys from mobile homa who came down to the sugar bowl in 04 to see your hick squad get destroyed by LSU, i saw you loser hicks walking around afterwords and it was good comedy. just remember your state is shaped like a trailer with its hatch left open im sure it resembles your hick azz trailer park off a gravel road somewhere in tulsa
Hornets NO by OKHORNETS1, 1/29/06 holy shyt your right. oklahoma is exactly in the shape of a trailor!HAHAAHAAAAAAAA
by NOLA23, 1/29/06 13:10 ET
Re: ok oklahoma fans.. by saintsfan222, 1/29/06 there isn't sh*t to do there. all the do is ride horses, milk cows and go OUR new orleans hornets games and think that they are such good fans b/c all the hicks go since there isn't sh*it there to do. i just can't wait til they start losing and then we'll see how good of fans they are. if Mr. i prefer to stay to hickville Scott would have brought the same product he put on the court all of last year in n.o. to okc then i'm sure there would be a different story in the attendane number in hickville or okc whatever u want to call it!!!!!!!!!!!
6024. all these mobile homa losers are distorting the abc26 poll on this website
by maurypovich, 1/27/06 16:54 ET the website on whether the hornets should stay in jokelahomo city or not, its 62% for coming back to new orleans, and 30 something percent to stay in jokelahoma, i guarantee these no life having trailer trash hicks from jokelahomo are getting on this website and taking that poll to say the team should stay in jokelahomo, dont these inbreeds have any life whatsoever? its friday, shouldnt you loser mobile homa fools be out buying a weekends worth of skoal and busch light beer with your food stamps, get a life and stay off this forum