People Movers

I know many will not agree with me, but I think it is ridiculous how in this video the editor of the Oklahoman lauds the Kilpatrick for being such a catalyst of economic development and how it's great that additional lanes are planned. While he also is talking about the fact that it is a success story in regards to how it is funded, it seems the main appeal to him is the development aspect. Mr. Kelley even says that it contributes to our quality of life.
It's the worst example of sprawl in the city's history. As we have talked about on here before, development follows infrastructure and you just have to wonder what NEED the city/ODOT/Turnpike Authority saw in creating this road. If only we could have focused on mass public transportation with the same resources...

He advocates urban development in other op-ed videos and I even believe he lives downtown, so this video surprised me.