some of those posts of the okc site it just makes me almost want to hate oklahoma city as much as i did san antonio with the saints. they act like they are SUPPOST to have the hornets, like thats how it has always been along. well let me tell you something oklahomians (specifically that annoying patrick guy), if in 1988 these levy boards had buryed the levy pilings just a couple feet deeper with more enforcements, YOU GUYS WOULD HAVE NOTHING. NADA. ZIP. except the yard dawgz. thats it. you guys should be thanking us for the oppourtunity to let you prove that your a big time city. not many cities get a chance or opportunity to prove something of this level but instead (some of you) go ahead and act like the hornets are yours to stay forever. they are not. you guys could get something in the future but only because of katrina. if katrina had never happened the whole counrtry would still look at OKC as a couple of metal buildings in the middle of the counrty. thats it. remember why your in the situation you are in now, the situation to prove yourself that you can support an nba or any other kind of team. then once you prove yourself, get your own team, dont steal someone elses.