Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
I was responding to this idea that if you are for green sustainable you are a "tree hugger" and greedy. LEED has been flawed, but so has a huge amount of architectural and development work that results in shoddy inneficient building. All who strive for preserving and sustaining are not "huggers" ...a generally derisive term usually intended to ridicule a viewpoint.
Actually, I'm attempting to highlight the difference between rational sustainability, and emotional environmentalism. I applaud sustainability that's predicated on reason and logic... I mock plaque-seekers and those that think reducing carbon footprints can alter climate change. Both approaches result in better buildings than the old, non-sustainable norm; so, if I were politically neutral I'd stop there (but I'm not). I use the term "hugger" to describe the emotional environmentalist. I use the term "greedy" to describe anyone taking advantage of hugger's ignorance.

I guess that is a little derisive.