Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
The transit group did a study and found that a vast majority of the people will not walk more than 2 blocks to catch a streetcar. This is consistant with transit studies done by multiple other reserachers all over the world. If you have to waste one block just making part of a round trip then that only leaves you one block on either side.

Europe is probably the most rail adjusted population on the planet and their isn't a single couplet based system on the continent. Even the US only has a few system that use couplets; Portland, Phoenix, and 4 blocks in Seattle. On top of that, Portland and Phoenix used couplets because of one-way streets.
Kerry. Your issue over the couplets is getting annoying, to be blunt. You are the only person who is raising this issue. Everyone else is either overwhelmingly for the idea, or opposed to streetcar altogether. Pick a side, man..

By the way, Europe actually did not build most of their cities around trams. They already existed for the most part, in fact, in terms of the urban planning, large European cities practically ALL prefer subway systems because the built environment above ground is already a masterpiece, and too sensitive to cover in track. Apples and oranges. Furthermore, European cities have limitless budgets for public transit. OKC has $120 million.

Are you opposed to both Robinson and Broadway having streetcar frontage? I think it could be a positive for both and I'm glad we don't have to be torn between arguing for either Robinson OR Broadway, although I know which one I would unequivocally prefer if I had to chose (Broadway).

Kerry, I think at this point, we would all like to invite you to join the mainstream of the discussion...