Time to look ahead at a massive sports' facility?

The new Oklahoma City Convention Center will be the centerpiece for launching new development as the convention industry will bring new money into our economy and spur development of badly needed hotels if we are to begin hosting major events.

Houston is hosting the mens' final four; San Antonio hosted a regional and Dallas hosted an NCAA women's regional.

Oklahoma City needs a facility capable of hosting the final four.

Get the convention center built first so as the hotel industry will follow--this will allow the influx of new money into our economy and the building of new hotels capable of allowing us to bid on a final four.

Build a riverfront football-soccer specific stadium with a retractable roof. Something beginning in the neighborhood of 50,000-60,000 with flexible seating yet capable of being expanded in the future to 80k-90k.

Texas has major facilities in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio--all capable of hosting the big event.

Our next MAPS will come up in 2017 when the current tax is sheduled to expire.

We need to be look ahead.

What are your thoughts?