First, thanks to my computer geek bud who has set this up and allowed me to make a statement here. Thanks too for his spell check help and his help phrasing this to where it makes sense. I wish I was better at this, but it is not my "thing".

I've never done this before. Actually, we are not _supposed_ to do this, but my bud has fixed this so it supposedly can't be traced. I just feel it's important this be said and that people calm down Way down.

Here is the deal and what I want to say...

I play for the Hornets.

Let me make this clear: I love New Orleans. I love the people of Louisiana.

Let me make this clear: I love Oklahoma City and the people of Oklahoma.

There was talk among my mates that this NO-OKC thing is getting ugly on the fan boards. I took a look while and have to agree and plead for everyone to take it easy. I was saddened. Please, let's calm down and take it easy. Please.

The comments from some that the "black players" do not want to play in Oklahoma City are *completely false*. Yes, we would like to be in NO, the way NO was a year ago. However, as sad as it is to so many of us, NO is *not* NO of a year ago. OKC is OKC and it's a great city that has been a huge surprise to many of us. Welcoming us not only as players, but welcoming us as people. Into their churches where we have been made to feel very welcome. Being good to our families and supporting many of us through tough times emotionally.

Most of us expect to play a mixed schedule next year with the bulk of games in OKC. But who knows? Oklahoma City opened their arena, their city and their hearts to this club. The crowds at Ford have been nothing short of unbelievable. The team has been energized by the support and the team knows very well the home crowd at Ford has made a difference in many games. That's a fact. I hate seeing these messages from people saying that the "black players" don't want to be in OKC. No, no, no. This is simply not true at all. It's completely false.

I had never been to Oklahoma City until the day we rolled into town and wondered what the heck we were getting in to. It didn't take long to find out that OKC is a helluva city and that there are many people who have the wrong idea of that town. It's a great city. Yes, there are some who hope to be able to go back home, where home has been, in New Orleans. There are also some who don't even want to be Hornets next year unless they play in Oklahoma City. And that's only because the support has been nothing short of unbelievable. All of us agree on that.

My point: There are feelings all around. But NO HORNET has ever said (except maybe in the first week) that they don't want to be in OKC. That's false and very unfair to the fine people of Oklahoma. I'm serious - I haven't heard anyone say they wouldn't LOVE to be back in Oklahoma City next year.

I also want to say that while support in NO wasn't what anyone would have liked to have seen it, there were a lot of factors. But to many, it is and was HOME. We love New Orleans.

I expect eventually that OKC will have either the Hornets or another club no matter what happens. I can't say which because I have no idea at all. But please, take it EASY on each other. Both cities are great places. The people in NO don't understand how progressive a city OKC really is. Many have the wrong impression. My hope is they understand that the NBA is doing what they feel is necessary. This is a business.

This whole thing was born of a tragedy. Can't we come together as players, club staff, fans - everyone?

Let's give the two cities that are batted around on the fan boards a break. New Orleans has been to hell and back. Oklahoma City has been gracious and the support simply incredible.

Let's understand this is a different situation than anything seen in the league. Let's take it easy on each other. All of us.

- A Hornet