Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
Great tips BBatesokc.

I've been waiting for a month for Friday's release to get my first iPad. I don't know why I want an iPad other than I'm so impressed with my iPhone 4 that I think what the heck. I never thought before I had one I'd use my iPhone as much as I do and I do use it all the time. Ya know toys.

I will get the one with the biggest gbs but I'm debating on the the 3G. My gut says get it even if you don't plan on using it because you might change your mind down the road. My head says why pay for something you don't plan on using.

My question to iPad users. 3G or no 3G? Your thoughts.
Absolutely 3G. Without a damned question in my mind. Why would you ever invest so much money in a piece of technology that is as good as a brick data-wise unless you're on or near Wifi? Half of places still charge for wifi, you can't get wifi in a car or on a highway, etc. Webbrowsing and data-based games are smooth on 3G.

AbsoLUTEly 3G. Unless you never travel. Like ever. Or otherwise can create your own wifi from cellular with other devices and you don't mind killing battery for that device.

Get the 3G. Get the 3G.

As to the rest of the discussion, my firm uses WordPerfect for word processing, so when I finally make the full switch to Apple, I'll have to boot in Windows from time to time (as is my understanding).