Wow. The more I read this the more incoherent Swinton seems. He's definitely trying to "slow play" the streetcar. Something smells. I've personally spoken to Shadid and he's really into the streetcar. He will have my enthusiastic support and should have the support of anyone who supports getting the transit portion of MAPS built and built right.ON EDIT: Never mind, I found it. Oklahoman, February 23:
What do you think of the MAPS 3 projects?
[Swinton's reply] “I voted for every one of the MAPS. It's just a priority on which one we do first. I think there's one that ought to be shoved back and that's the trolley system. I hear there's some technology issues that might be happening that might help us do more with less ... I'm not saying not do it. I'm just saying there might be some technological changes that might be coming so why not wait and see if they do come.”