There are many great and wonderful things to see and do here in the Metro, and I love living here. I am not a negative person, but the current state of law enforcement and prosecution in Oklahoma County is terrible. We have the Oklahoma County jail, overcrowded, drugs readily available and really not much more than a zoo. Inmates are fed very small portions of substandard food in their small 3 person cells right by the cell toilet. If their families don't put money on their "book" so they can buy commissary items, they nearly starve. Also inmates must pay for any doctor visit they receive. Those without family to aid them financially are not treated. Phone calls are outrageous at $3.95 for 15 minutes, with the county getting a hefty percentage. Say criminals deserve poor treatment if you want, but there are innocent people there as well. Small wonder sentenced people are thrilled to be sent on to state prison where conditions are MUCH better. Sheriff John Whetsel should be held accountable, but his own employees state that "He is unbeatable in court" We have a few, not many, overly aggressive police officers. Whatever they do wrong, Wes Lane will not prosecute them. They have literally gotten away with murder in numerous documented cases. Lane, sworn to uphold the law, evidently does not care about police brutality, might affect his re-election bid, which leads to the next item. Judges in Oklahoma County (and in all fairness, most places) are usually ex-prosecutors, so we all know they are strongly biased for the prosecution. No wonder we have a Sheriff who is unbeatable in court. You see, judges actually know that cops routinely lie in court, because the same cops lied for them when they were prosecutors! Find me a judge here who will believe the testimony of any witness over a cop. So the accused has his defense attorney in the courtroom, but is facing two prosecutors, one of Mr. Lanes crew and one supposedly a fair and unbiased trial judge, but not. Both of these individuals sole aim is conviction, not in finding the truth. Like the rest of America, our criminal justice system is totally out of control. The shame is, that in Oklahoma County, it's even worse than almost anywhere else, even worse than many third world countries. I'm not advocating coddling criminals, but give them a fair trial, feed them adequately, give them necessary medical treatment and treat them like human beings. Purge the crooked and abusive police officers, prosecute them for wrongdoing like any other citizen. Appoint judges from prosecutors, public defenders and private attorneys. Get real fairness in the trial courts. As the public, we must do a better job, and stop voting for those "public servants" who allow these illegal, outrageous and inhumane abuses to continue unchecked. These words are one man's opinion. Thank you for reading them.