Well to repond to this thread this is really a shameful law to have on the books period I undeserstand when you have underage girls being out in this lifestyle thats illegal and shuld be dealt with severely but on the other hand a woman choosing to do as she wishes with her body and a man making a choice shouldnt be a crime and punishable unless again Underaged on park and church grounds....I have really thought of BBates personal mission and efforts to stop Prostitution in OKC but you must realize it was here before you and will be after you gone and you really need feel fortunate because if you think its smart and heroic to put yours and your families lives in danger you should ask is it worth it....How can you feel you are helping people when your working with police and DA's office to create programs and outlets and give job opportunities to them....but thats not your goal its the goal of yours to embarrass be in other people business and personally get your personal thrills....You are not trying to help anyone you expose Bates and you have ruined so many lives and you really need to redirect your focus by establishing help and assistance for people who might truly need help not degrading them