Ward 2 Runoff: Charles Swinton and Ed Shadid
I'll take the liberty of starting a new thread which will hopefully keep as its focus the Ward 2 candidates' runoff positions with regard to the relevant positions of the candidates as to the issues directly involved with the campaign, e.g., completion of and/or variation from the council's concurrent resolution which identifies the projects of MAPS 3, and any other issue which they may want to relate between now and the April 5 general election.
The more general City Council Elections thread took no time at all on and after March 1 to spiral downward into the potty about the long-standing and perhaps endless discussion about public employees, unions, who in them gets paid what and why, why some public employee unions exclude social security factors, etc., ad nauseam.
Of course, I have no control over how this thread will meander, but my request is that this thread will avoid all banter about police and fire discussion, regardless of point of view, about long-standing grievances with the city or even current ones. I'm hoping that this thread will stay focused on the positions which each candidate has taken or will take in the upcoming election.
In the older thread, I've already said, but I'll say again,
I've left a message in Gwin Fauconer-Lippert's facebook page to the same effect, but I don't know if those interviews are any longer available or not. Personally, I'm much less interested in hearing subjective second-hand reports about those interviews than I am the utterly objective first-hand playbacks if they are available.Since I've not heard either of Gwin Faulconer-Lippert's KTOK interviews with Shadid or Swinton, I wanted to hear them and capture the audio for everyone's listening. But, my attempts to locate these interviews in KTOK's web area (or otherwise) have completely failed.
If anyone can point me to a web location for either interview, I'll capture it and reproduce it for everyone's listening and scrutiny. At this point, my mind is open in its evaluation of each of these candidates, and I figure the best source of data is from words spoken by candidates in unscripted interviews. But, so far, no luck in finding them.
This is particularly true if a particular candidate has taken different positions with regard to an issue during the campaign. As an example, Jeff, in the other thread, you mentioned that you had no reason not to take the most recent statements of candidate Shadid about downtown rail at face value.
Well, I do. We're talking politics here, so if a candidate does a 180 degree shift during the campaign, I'd certainly want to look at such a shift with very close scrutiny. I'm not saying that he did -- I've not heard his KTOK interview but only second-hand reports from a few others who did. That's why I want to hear the actual interview. Probably, I'm not as trusting as you -- heck, I still don't trust my friend Pete White's kinda-sorta backtrack about the downtown streetcar -- and I won't until he makes a very clear and unambiguous statement which he can be held accountable for in the future. His public statements so far don't yet match that standard as far as I'm concerned.
I'll also begin this by saying that you can look at the campaign websites for these candidates and see what they've said about themselves:
- Charles Swinton and
- Ed Shadid.