Oklahoma City is growing in population at a good steady pace, but not all growth is good, we all hear about the good things about the economy growth of Oklahoma City, but we rarely hear about the crime growth, in particular prostitution.
It seems that the prostitution problem in Oklahoma City is getting worse, and expanding to more different parts of the city. Long has S. Robinson been the focal point for prostitution in Oklahoma City, however S. Robinson is no longer the premier track for prostitution Oklahoma City. You now have 10th and McArthur, 122nd and I-35 truck stop, but more astonishing strip clubs.
The strip club prostitution scene has become a major animal that authorities now can't control. I don't understand how a police station can sit in between 3 strip clubs, (literally), and not enforce prostitution in those strip clubs where its the worst. As "john's" and prostitutes are being smarter, and getting off the streets and taking it inside to the strip clubs, where "john's" can simply pick up a prostitute, and leave, and then the prostitute can come back to work in the strip club. Even more, the bartenders/managers of the strip club know this goes on, but they receive a cut.
It seems that the OKC authorities are not taking this seriously and in some fashion they are silently decriminalizing prostitution in Oklahoma City as its getting worse, not better.