When I read comments on this thread, people are constantly comparing OKC to cities like LA, Chicago, Dallas, etc...But these cities are 40-50 years ahead of OKC in development. A more feasible comparison is Omaha, NE. Omaha is comparable in location, population size, and demographic.

Like OKC, Omaha is also experiencing growth and development, Omaha also is making top Forbes lists, but more recently is #1 in most affordable city in America.

Like OKC, Omaha is experiencing skyscraper development, in last 10 years, they have constucted two new high-rises (One First National Center, 2002) and (Union Pacific Center, 2004). They also have a couple that have recently been approved (WallStreet Tower, 2010).

Population growth in Omaha has averaged above 16% over the last 20 years.

Based on this, I think Omaha is a true competitor to Oklahoma City, given size comparison.