Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
Downtown Phoenix is not visually more appealing than OKC's. Actually the worst area of downtown OKC (maybe Shartel around the jail or Hudson around the bus stop) would still be considered attractive areas of downtown Phoenix. Talk about somewhere with a huge issue of parking lots, vacant lots, and cracked-out abandoned strip malls. I guess they've cleaned up the one street but that doesn't make an entire center city. And instead of areas similar to Paseo or Plaza, in Phoenix instead you've got miles of pawn shops and abandoned strip malls with scragly dying palm trees and cactus trying to grow out of the cracks in the parking lots.
Talk about a gross misrepresentation of downtown Phoenix. You must've visited with a blindfold on.

Granted, their downtown is a joke given the metro area population, and I do think the city is ugly. But their downtown does not consist of "miles of abandoned strip malls" by any extent of the imagination.

Also, in Phoenix, there are some great neighborhoods near downtown. There are also plenty of run-down areas. You seem to suggest that OKC's downtown, in comparison, is surrounded by great neighborhoods--which is very far from the truth. In reality both cities have more than their fair share of blight surrounding the CBD.

I think downtown OKC functions much more like the heart of the city relative to Phoenix's downtown. Phoenix seems very decentralized in comparison, which is another thing I don't like about it.