Got my city bill yesterday and in the newsletter, it has a list of City Council priorities. Talks about the next 2-5 years, over 3000 performance measures for them, and says that the measurements and a brief explanation of each priority are available at on No link, nothing on the front page, so I did a search on city council priorities (and why, oh why do web designers write code that won't let you hit enter after you enter search terms, why must you click on the search button with your mouse?!?!) and found this: Those are from 2007, so why do they say in the newsletter that "City Council recently adopted nine priorities...."? WTF?
For reference, here they are, and they look pretty impressive, hope they can do well on them (ha):
1. Preserve and grow citizen confidence and trust in City government
2. Promote a sustainable financial model
3. Focus on infrastructure development
4. Increase effectiveness and sustainability of public transportation
5. Expand economic development initiatives
6. Enhance the quality of life
7. Improve public education
8. Gain greater government efficiency
9. Ensure citizen safety
Should be interesting to see how these hold up in 5 years, hopefully it will be good, but if they've been priorities for 3 years already, who knows...