Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
Ordinarily and generally, I would agree with that, Rover. As I said in my 1st comment in this thread, Steve is one of the Oklahoman's bright spots, in my opinion.

However, it was Steve's choice to offer his defense about his employer on what has been said thus far in this thread, some parts going beyond ares in which is not engaged as a reporter, and, with that lengthy reply, as a judge during a trial might say, "Well, you opened that door, counselor. Objection overruled."

I do understand that Steve may not want to say anything negative about his employer, and that's understandable. Since he chose to respond in the thread as he did, it's also fair, I think, to note that if he is unwilling to comment negatively that one ought not take what he DOES have to say as being particularly comprehensive or complete, if that makes sense.
True, but since this is not a trial, and Steve could potentially lose his job a la NPR, let's cut him some slack.

I agree with Steve 100% over the CNN, FOX, MSNBC row. I am a conservative that watches CNN over Fox, because I don't want a "News" organization to tell me what my opinion is. I just want to hear what the news are.

Back on topic, I think putting some emotional writing on topics such as sports, social events, etc without sounding biased is good and harmless. However, I do not share the same thought on politics, as they do influence people and have bigger consequences.

I think what the consultants failed to observe is that people like short stories on general, broad news, so we stay "in the know". But on topics where we are passionated about, we like to read more and more, things like sports...