It seems that tolerance is very, very subjective, i.e. you must be
tolerant according to a very narrow viewpoint of tolerance.
Court to decide whether Christian couple can foster children
by Nathan Black, Christian
Monday, November 1, 2010, 15:28 (GMT)
A Christian couple in England has made several attempts to
provide foster care to children but has been blocked because of
their views on homosexuality.
Eunice and Owen Johns were scheduled are coming before the
High Court on Monday and their attorneys say the outcome of the
case could impact the future of Christian foster carers and
adoptive parents.
"It may not be long before local authorities decide that Christians
cannot look after some of the most vulnerable children in our
society, simply because they disapprove of homosexuality," the
Christian Legal Centre said.
The Johns applied in 2007 to be respite carers for children between
the ages of five and 10. A social worker visited their home in
Derby, England, every two weeks as part of the assessment
process. During one of the visits, the social worker mentioned that
if a child came from school and told the foster parents that he or
she is homosexual, the parents would have to tell the child that it
is ok.
Eunice Johns responded, "As a Bible-believing Christian, I don't
think I can do that."
With that, the Derby City Council halted the application process.
The Johns then faced a panel of at least a dozen people and
affirmed again that they refuse to tell a child that it's OK to be a
"I told them that I know they're not going to let me foster ... but
there's no way I can do that as a Bible-believing Christian and I
should not be made to say that," she said.
A week later, the couple received a letter from the council stating
"thank you for withdrawing your application".
The Christian Legal Center pointed out the irony in the matter in
that the Johns previously served as foster parents for the same
Derby council for approximately 12 years.
"The Johns are a loving Christian couple, who have in the past, and
would in the future, give a wonderful home to a vulnerable child,"
said Andrea Minichiello-Williams, director of the centre.
The Derby City Council reinstated the couple's application and
were asked by the Christian Legal Center to clarify their policy on
the suitability of foster carers with traditional views on sexual
ethics. The council's adoption panel failed to make a final decision
about the Johns' application.
As the case faces the High Court, the Christian Legal Center says
"this is a vital case for Christian freedoms".
"The council has an obligation to respect the Johns' religious
beliefs, but also to comply with equality law, which prohibits
discrimination because of sexual orientation. The case will decide
whether the Johns will be able to foster without compromising
their beliefs," the centre explained.
The new Equality Act came into effect last month. The law
consolidates nine pieces of anti-discrimination legislation into one
statute and covers areas such as pay, gender, disability, and
religion and belief. The new law is aimed at preventing
discrimination in a broad range of sectors including the workplace,
education and services.