Water rates to increase in Oklahoma City
The average monthly water bill in Oklahoma City will go up $5 by 2013. (Oklahoman, 9/29/10)

Water rates in Oklahoma City will go up each October for four years, increasing from the current average bill of $42.63 a month to $47.52 a month in 2013.
The city council approved the increase Tuesday, with the first hike to appear on next month's bills. ...
Question is, is this to pay for the $15M we are overpaying (more than what was owed) on the Sardis water deal? Does this pay for the pipeline that is going to have to be built alongside the existing pipeline (not sure of the proposed cost but wouldn't be surprised if is multi-million)? Or, are we going to be hit with the cost of all of that in a couple of years...

I watched Tuesdays Council meeting and didn't catch that they were voting on the increase (thought this was the second round of public hearing). Is it a done deal as the article indicated?