Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
I hear what you're saying MGE1977. What the mayor did was he went to voters making a pledge on use of the money even though he did not have a council vote or a public discussion with the council on such an action. He did this again when it comes to paying $30 million to OG&E for land on a site he prefers for a new convention center. The folks with OKC Grand Prix LLC have said privately they also were told their deal would go through - even though there had been no council debate or public discussion about the $6.9 million needed up front for the course infrastructure.
Now, that having been said ... with a mailer like this, how does the fire union expect anyone to listen to their message or enter into a dialogue if they're refusing to elaborate on their claims? When I covered City Hall, the union leadership was always responsive to even the harshest questioning - something that was appreciated by reporters.
Steve- I know you probably have a copy of the mailer, but if you don't I'll gladly get you one. Name one part of it that isn't true by the Mayor and the other politicians own words. I agree with you that they went out on a limb making promises they never intended to keep or figured they wouldn't be held accountable for in the end, but that's the life of a politician. As to B. Brus, good luck calling the hall an hour before your deadline and demanding a quote from any agency. I would say to him plan ahead next time, because his emergency of a story deadline doesn't constitute a deadline on the locals part. People have jobs to do and lives to lead and it doesn't revolve around him or his deadline. When the media starts reporting both sides of a story and is impartial then they will get more co-operation. As Mark used to say, don't give em' S#@$ unless they are willing to work with you and not directly against you. We all like to see both sides of the story no matter which side your standing on, but keep peeing down my leg and telling me it's really raining isn't going to fly anymore.

LordGerald- you're not worth my response the majority of the time but just to let you know "I'm still here".

Bluedog & Rover- Ever since the M3 campaign I've had the pleasure to speak with hundreds of hard working residents of Okc and they are very unhappy with how things have been going with Police, Fire and the city management in general. Nothing scientific, just general inquiries and education of the public as to how their city is being run. I've come to find out that while some on this site scream and holler loudly, call those with differing opinions names and try to belittle others that don't agree with them; they are the [COLOR="rgb(0, 0, 0)"]minority[/COLOR] and not the majority. As we will top over 80,000 incidents this year, that is 80,000 contacts with the general public we get to make a positive influence on.