Originally Posted by
As for J.C. Watts - of course there are exceptions.
I said to look at the African-American graduation rates for a reason. We can't pretend that every study that shows blacks, in general, get an inferior education is somehow wrong. So, yeah, it IS a racial issue. And if you think that all those football and basketball players at OU (75% + black) would be accepted if they weren't simply athletic recruits, I have several bridges in Brooklyn to sell you. Who was the football player at OSU that graduated and had the guts to admit he couldn't even read? I don't remember his name. Do YOU honestly believe that don't make exceptions in probably 85%+ of the cases -- all across the NCAA -- coast-to-coast? Will you hear about it? It's a big, big business, so no, of course not. But you and I both know it. Pretend if you wish. Have you listened to some post-game interviews? These are college-educated "student-athletes?"
Sorry, this is a thread derail (my fault) and not fair to MikeMarsh. Sorry, I originally was trying to make a point regarding the issue at hand.