Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
As for J.C. Watts - of course there are exceptions.

I said to look at the African-American graduation rates for a reason. We can't pretend that every study that shows blacks, in general, get an inferior education is somehow wrong. So, yeah, it IS a racial issue. And if you think that all those football and basketball players at OU (75% + black) would be accepted if they weren't simply athletic recruits, I have several bridges in Brooklyn to sell you. Who was the football player at OSU that graduated and had the guts to admit he couldn't even read? I don't remember his name. Do YOU honestly believe that don't make exceptions in probably 85%+ of the cases -- all across the NCAA -- coast-to-coast? Will you hear about it? It's a big, big business, so no, of course not. But you and I both know it. Pretend if you wish. Have you listened to some post-game interviews? These are college-educated "student-athletes?"

Sorry, this is a thread derail (my fault) and not fair to MikeMarsh. Sorry, I originally was trying to make a point regarding the issue at hand.
Mike, you're right that some of the athletes probably wouldn't have been recruited to the University if they weren't gifted athetes. They still have to meet entrance requirements, though. If you have instances at OU to site where they are not following the rules, please provide the evidence so that it can be investigated. Am I saying nothing wrong has ever happened in the past? Of course not. Your original point was that the athletic department was a drain on the University financially and you apparently feel that if it wasn't a successful high dollar department the University would be better off. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's just the opposite.