The plumber we've had for years suddenly decided to start over-charging and doing substandard work - after we've spent over 15K and had him do our work for 10 years.

Liszeski Plumbing charged us $886+ dollars to put an inline sediment pre-filter between water softener and water supply. The job took him an hour and a half, counting replacing a bypass valve and the parts costed out at $100. He flat took advantage of my S.O. (who because of medication and other health issues doesn't comprehend as well as in past) by overstating the job. $400 an hour is ridiculous and is nothing but gouging a senior citizen.

Long story short - we need to have a plumber that we can trust for the frequent plumbing jobs that go along with a 60 year old house. Nothing urgent - does anyone have a particularly trustworthy plumber? TIA! Cheap not required - but fair is!