I agree with Steve that the PS workers need a better mouthpiece. I would add that they need a better political strategy. Want cash? Want perks? Sidestep the city government and secure those benefits by lobbying the state legislature. The unions need to learn to work with Republicans--especially the public unions, because for the foreseeable future, that's who will have the majority in the legislature.

As to convincing the electorate, you both need to hire a P.R. firm. Your union bosses do not strike a sympathetic image with the average anti-union Oklahoman, nor do your union bosses seem to have a clue what they are doing.

Consider the recent goings-on with MAPS III. Despite polling which suggested that you had very little chance of an upset, your unions put all their cards on the table, effectively attempting to hold the city fathers' agenda hostage. They called your bluff and here you are. The next time your unions make demands, the city fathers will remember the last time you made threats and will recall just how idle your threats turned out to be. You spent what.. $100,000 on an anti-MAPS campaign? Had huge grass roots support and still lost by the same margin as the anti-MAPS I folks did before MAPS had any brand recognition? How obtuse and incompetent can you be?

Your leadership has cost you a lot and will continue to do so. I'm not suggesting that you not be tough or not fight for what you think you need to continue to do the excellent jobs you do. What I'm suggesting is that you not go about it like a bull in a china closet. Hire some folks to help your leadership steer this ship because it's not going in a good direction at all right now.