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Hey Mikemarsh - its been a few pages since I've been able to respond, but FYI - I'm actually very happy with my job. My degree put me exactlly where I wanted to be, doing exactlly what I wanted to do. So don't try and make it into me complaining like you. The statements I said are a general reflection of what is occuring in business in general. Benefits are being lowered because their costs keep going up. More money is pushed toward shareholders and away from employees. It's a simple matter of how things run.
The difference in a municipal employee such as a fireman, is that your shareholders are the taxpayers. The budget adjusts to what the elected officials think it should be. In this case, you seem to be under the impression that you should be shielded from the economic woes everyone else feels. You are sorely mistaken sir. And as mentioned earlier, the argument of "but we're saving lives", doesn't fly. Otherwise I'd be giving a huge increase to all the nurses and paramedics out there that also save lives every day. They DON"T get a pension, have to work more than a few days a week, don't get to "hang out" until needed, etc. They actually work all day, every day, and for far less than you. So pull out the hankey, and stop up the snot.