I'm probably one of the few non-lawyer citizens who actually takes/makes time to sit in on trials and watch our judicial system 'at work', but I find it so intensely interesting.

Most people have no idea of the shear volume of cases that go through the Oklahoma County/City court house.

The past two weeks I watched a murder trial that most likely would not have garnered any interest at all (if I hadn't called friends in the media) and is pretty representative of what occurs on a regular basis - Two 'truths' that collide with often horrific and life altering consequences to both the victim, the defendant and their loved ones.

(my perspective as an observer) In this case the defendant, Robert Butcher, a 41-year old large and intimidating looking black male found himself as a new patron of the Porthole Club near NW 39 and Portland in May of 2008. Described by all as quiet and keeping to himself, Butcher was first struck in the face by an intoxicated female that conveniently has no memory of any of the details of the night. To this Butcher did not react and instead let another patron buy him a drink to apologize for the woman's behavior. Then, a white male named Austin and a bar regular, described by all as nice when sober but a real bully and aggressive when drunk, sucker punched Butcher. Again, to this Butcher did not seem to really react in any confrontational way.

When it became apparent he was not welcomed at the bar he left. Witnesses in the parking lot say Butcher was approached by Austin and a few other white males. There was some evidence that one or more of the males may have been armed with at least one pool cue (later found in Austin's car with blood on it). A confrontation occurred in the parking lot and Austin was stabbed once in the heart and died. Butcher fled when a police officer who happened to be next door approached him.

Click here to read News9's report.

The prosecution argued Butcher got into a fight and used excessive force when he used a knife and killed Austin. They argued it was not self defense because it was mutual combat, he helped to instigate it and he had the opportunity to flee.

The defense argued he twice tried to ignore two separate attacks in the bar and when confronted by a group outside had no choice but to use a knife to defend himself.

After watching the trial I felt the outcome was tragic but that Butcher was not guilty of the murder 2 charge and also not guilty of the lesser included manslaughter charge.

The jury today found him not guilty of manslaughter and was hung on the murder 2 charge. 11 jurors thought he was not guilty and 1 thought he was guilty.

The whole thing will most likely have to be repeated in the months to come.

I really don't know why I felt compelled to share this, I just find it intriguing that such life and death battles are being fought every day and yet most media ignores it in favor of 'Pay it Forward' or some other nonsense to fill 30 minutes.