Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
Why do you care so dearly about the answers to such questions? I notice women don't ask me questions. They don't need to. They wisely know in this supposedly free country that abortion and whether or not to get one is their personal business to decide to, or not.
You do like to duck and dodge.

So far, you guys have been unable to come up with any reasonable answer as to when life begins or any reasonable explanation as to how you came to your conclusions when you do attempt to answer it.

Bunty has declared that only a pregnant woman can determine when life begins. Then she states she knows without a doubt that life begins when the first breath is taken (contradiction of previous statement, and not supported by any evidence). Then Bunty contradicts THAT statement by claiming abortions during the 9th month are NOTacceptable.... then contradicts it yet again by claiming partial birth abortions ARE acceptable. What a clusterf*ck of irrational guessing.

Bandnerd is confident that ANY fetus is not a life based purely on a feeling in his heart. Then concedes that an abortion (of a lifeless fetus) during the 9th month is obviously unacceptable. Why the contradiction?

Then our 18 yr old newcomer xoxotifanynicolebritneycourtney seems to indicate that 24 weeks is an obviously the point in which life begins (which ruins Bunty and Bandnerds arguements) yet she of course offers nothing to back this up, other than it is "obvious" and you are uneducated if you dont know.

Why don't you guys get your sh*t together and figure how you came to your conclusions so you can simply explain it when someone asks you?