Anyone here a member of this group? If so, that means that some of your family members were here prior to statehood...and may have made the land run of '89, or one of the others.

The reason why I'm posting this is a strange request, really. It was well-documented that the first crops the settlers planted failed in 1890 due to drought, but they planted turnips in the fall and had a bountiful harvest before the first frost. The settlers actually survived that dreadful time by using the turnips for everything--personal food, as substitues in many recipes, feed for animals, etc.

A number of years ago when I was teaching Oklahoma history, I assigned a project for my students to research their family histories. One student found that her great-grandmother had many recipes that used turnips. I would LOVE to find a resource for such recipes, as we are now covered up with our own bountiful turnip crop! I've searched Oklahoma cookbooks and the Internet to no avail...except the "standard" uses for turnips.

Any ideas, suggestions, resources from your own families? I know this is a weird one, but I figure if anyone can give me information about this, it will be someone here.

This thread might fit better under "Food and Restaurants," so to the mods, feel free to move it, and re-title if needed.