Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
And if you'll look at the very first post above you should probably not make attacks based on assumptions which prove out to be incorrect.

And for what its worth, the average speed of travel from Moore to Tulsa at 1.5 hours is 109.6 mph, including travel within cities. Which in all likelihood means you would be traveling much slower within the city, and much much faster on the turnpike in order to make it in an hour in a half. In other words, your opinion is nice but it doesn't change the fact that you are factually incorrect.
So sorry for assuming that on an OKC discussion board, in a thread discussing the possibility of D&B coming to OKC, that the travel would be from OKC to Tulsa. Mea Culpa

As to your second point... WOW!! It's now 164.4 miles from Tulsa to Moore? When did that happen? Mapquest shows it as only 114.58 miles (119 to D&B's). To make it to D&B's from Moore in 1.5 hours would require an average speed of 79.33 mph, well short of the 109.6 you stated. (Note, I never said the drive from MOORE to D&B's was 1 1/2 hours.)