So if ODOT ends up having to face a 40% cut to their already insanely small budget, what are we going to do?

First off, will the I-40 project in OKC and the I-44 project in Tulsa even continue or will they just stop in the middle of mucking it all up? Federal funds can't pay for all of it....

And this brings up another question I've asked before....why can't get convince people that a small 5cent tax on a gallon of gas will do WONDERS for our roads? So in a 15-20 gallon tank of gas, you spend up to a dollar more for your fillup. It's a small impact on you, but a HUGE influx of dollars to ODOT to get crap done.

We all like to complain about them, but really what can you do when your funding is stuck in the early 80's with 00's prices and requirements.