Don't know if this is the proper part of the forum, but it certainly does apply to OKC, espcially now w/the budget problems at the City.
Why does the OCFD dispatch two trucks to places like assisted centers when the call is for a medical situation? I'm not talking about a fire! I know that firefighters are often on the scene before EMSA; no problem with that. But what I'm confused about is why there has to be TWO trucks dispatched?
Could someone please tell me? I'm all for speedy, appropriate assistance, but on several occasions when I've arrived at my mother's assisted center, I've noticed TWO fire trucks plus the ambulance to help with "medical" issues for the residents.
Not complaining, or blaming, or griping. I'd just like to know. Maybe sending only ONE truck could help the City financially???
To the moderator: feel free to move this thread to the most appropriate part of the forum. Thank you.