Just had to chime in on this case. I was hired to do some of the investigative work for the defense on this case and just spent the last three days in court assisting Rowland and his defense team, which I'm glad to report he was victorious.
This case should outrage all Oklahomans ~ that our Attorney General Drew Edmondson would waste so much time and resources on this prosecution.
Literally, while we are facing the reality of closing schools, firing teachers, police officers and firemen, and this is what he chooses to spend our tax dollars on..... A titty-twisting incident between two male co-workers.
While I agree 100% that there were, are and continue to be huge problems with the M.E.'s office and that Mr. Rowland can be blamed for some of those problems, it does not excuse this travesty of justice.
To think our AG would charge and attempt to convict any Oklahoman of a felony sex crime for office horseplay is unthinkable.
I really hope this comes back to haunt Edmondson in the upcoming election.
In November Rowland faces a trial in Tulsa for rape and that case is flimsier than this one.