Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
These lists are fairly meaningless. Their methodology is inconsistent as all hell, and when compared with other so-called rankings which attempt to rank similar traits, the factors which are chosen might as well have been picked out of a hat.

These sorts of lists are great for generating views on a site's page. That's about it. Don't take them seriously -- at least not unless we do well, then the list may be relevant and worthy of our attention.
I think that's a good point. There is one thing we should take seriously though... On almost every list, regardless of criteria, the one city that shows up again and again as one of the highest ranked in our region is Austin, TX. Within the state, it is often Norman that appears on these lists. Regardless of criteria I think it does say something very positive about cities that can manage to show up on a wide range of "best places" lists that look at, often times, very different criteria from one another. Really OKC's civic leaders (or any city's leaders for that matter) should ask what it is about some of those cities that causes them to turn up time and again on lists such as this and what can we learn about that and apply to OKC....

Just a thought anyway.