Read carefully, PQ. There ARE reasons and situations where an abortion is the more humane thing to do. THAT is what I'm arguing. I'm not saying to kill all the kids. I'm merely countering your side that says that there is NEVER any good reason to abort a fetus.

If you're a believer in the "God loves the little children" idea then don't you think He should do something besides facillitating their birth and then leaving them to whatever may happen to them. I do consider some of the cases I've seen and heard of where kids lived a torturous and loveless life to be much worse than never making it out of the womb. I find it kinda strange than many of the same folks that get all enraged at abortion clinics don't mind at all sending an eighteen year old off to possibly get killed in war. Many of those same people are also very much in support of the death penalty. Didn't God make that murderer or that Iraqi too? Aren't we snuffing out His creation without his permission?