Thought this was a good post on Groeschel's blog. He also did a sermon on it a couple weeks ago on the forgotten virtue of Honor. He talked about how in many other countries there are traditions on how to honor someone and it's part of their everyday culture, but in America we're a culture of dishonor and ordinary.
by Craig Groeschel
The Root of All Dishonor
The reason our culture is dishonoring is because people aren’t honoring God.
We are treating God as common or ordinary.
God is not the “big guy in the sky” or the “man upstairs.” He is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.
Jesus is not our “homeboy.” He is the risen and soon-returning King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
In Isaiah 29:13, The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”
It’s time we stop giving God lip service and give him the honor He is due.