We have the tools to get a lot of information right at our very fingertips. The internet has been around for a while now, and I have been regularly using it since 1997. That's 13 years. And in those 13 years, I would expect to be able to use it to my advantage on a regular basis. Truth is, it's sometimes faster to just use a phone book.

Is there some sort of conspiracy involved? Are the phone book manufacturers impeding progress on basic maintenance to keep their antiquated business running? I kid, sort of.

I went online at about 3:30 a.m. today, Monday morning, to see if the Homeland on S. 104th and S. Penn was open. I had been to that Homeland before and though it says it is a 24 hour store, they actually close. But I couldn't remember if they close on Sunday nights or Monday nights. I check the website, find the correct location, and it says "Open 24 Hours 7 Days". So I think, and this is where my mind is a little bit hazy, "Maybe they changed it. It seems like they have changed it before." This is where I admit to being confused about which days I thought they were open 24/7, mon/sun.

But I think to myself, I will trust the website. I could call, but it's 3:30 in the morning and even if I don't get a pre-recorded voice message, I will probably get a ringing tone which will never be picked up (based on previous experience with trying to call places and get a human on the other end) . So I won't be able to rely solely on that anyway. So I will travel the 3.8 miles over there and just see for myself. And hopefully I can get a late night bag of Chili-cheese Fritos to satiate my late night cravings. (I had been to the 7-11 near my house earlier in the evening and they did not have them)

Of course, I get there and the place is close. The stickers on the window, behind a bush of some sort for sale (which I have to physically move to see the hours) state "Closed Sunday Midnight - 6" or something to that effect. They were closed. It made me pretty angry. I try not to be a person who experiences much anger, but this has been building up in me for quite sometime.

Why can't the website be updated to say that it's closed Sunday night?

Is it that difficult of a task? Do they assume that nobody really even checks it anyway? I don't understand.

And this is just one example of many technology related things that should be better than they are. It's 2010! I understand that we can't have flying cars. I get why we don't have jetpacks. But not being able to get accurate information from a store website about their hours of business?????? This is basic every day stuff.

tl;dr The internet isn't as technologically advanced or as accurate as I had hoped it would be in this day and age.