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Thread: ATTN: OKC residents and Thunder fans your needed DT tonight!!

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    Default ATTN: OKC residents and Thunder fans your needed DT tonight!!

    first off i don't believe this belongs in the sports section , off the sure factor of the tax dollars that will be pumped into DT tonight by my friends,co-workers and family alone.

    every since I started reading this board (way long before I became a memeber) I used this board to keep me informed of what's going on in OKC

    Ya'll first informed me about the Seattle Supersonics being purchased, the move the first season ..everything

    to be honest with all the things that where happening in OKC I had to move back to Oklahoma City.

    Now for a second season I am happy that tonight is the night
    the first playoff game in Oklahoma City are u friggin kidding me am I dreaming if so don't awake me.

    We talk so much about DT, Core to shore , Devon tower, 180, riverfront developments, new hotel proposals....all of that takes backseat to the Oklahoma City Thunder at least for tonight.

    tonight is our boys night and tonight they and DT needs your support and presence somewhere downtown i don't even care if your walking the streets as a matter of fact we need that presence also.

    The world will be watching OKLAHOMA CITY and for the first time in a long time its something positive and to be honest World class (my favorite OKCTALK term).
    this is our introduction to the world as a elite sports city
    I just got back from Las Vegas and everytime I told someone that I was from OKC they didnt give me the usaual "where's that" or "yeah the bombing place."

    they said yeah yall got KD he is a animal i bet you guys are fired up down there. were changing folks
    one guy even went as far as to say he is an olympic rower and he whats to see how DT OKC will look on an elite world stage tonight
    the NBA commissioner loves us he will be watching his latest team.

    where will you be ?

    what are your preperations ?

    how do you feel the overall preception of OKC will be after this ?

    are you a thunder Fanatic ?

    on that note this thread is open for discussion.........
    Last edited by Northsider; 04-22-2010 at 12:08 PM. Reason: .....

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