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Thread: How are school districts determined?

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    Default How are school districts determined?

    The subject of school districts was brought up in another thread, rather than further derail the thread....

    How are school districts even determined? One would think (incorrectly) that if you lived in the OKC city limits, you are in the OKC school district, Edmond/Edmond, etc. That isn't the case. I am well within the OKC city limits but am in the Putnam City school district. Thought at one time there may have actually been a "Putnam City" and thought it had been incorporated into OKC at some point (but the school district untouched), but can't find anything to indicate that there ever was a "Putnam City", so where did the school district come from?

    School districts need to be the same boundaries as the City. There should only be one school district within the OKC city limits. (Correct me on this, but I think I read that there is something like 30* some school districts that are at least partially within OKC city limits?) And why is there a separation between the City and the school district? MAPS for Kids non-withstanding, there is no official connection between the City of Oklahoma City and the school district.

    on edit, from the City's website:
    "OCMAPS also provides funding to the 23 other public school districts that serve Oklahoma City resident students."
    Last edited by Larry OKC; 04-16-2010 at 04:37 AM. Reason: new info

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