I happened to stumble upon one of the Ziggy'z stores on penn avenue this past weekend to see if they had any err pipe screens. Now, I'd never been there before and I didn't really know what to expect. I've only been to a headshop once before with a few friends. I figured this place can't be much different. I go inside and there are a surprising number of people there. They seemed to have quite a variety of supplies as well as an interesting selection of "adult" products. What hit me though was how crazy the people that were working there seemed. There was an older asian woman who seemed extremely frantic and somewhat angry. A younger girl (who actually seemed underage) asked if I needed help. I was about to accept when i saw some little kids running around by the counter. Then I was just like wtf, who brings their kids to a head shop?

Anyway, does anyone know anything about who owns this joint? I'm just curious. . .