Quote Originally Posted by Mikemarsh51 View Post
LordGerald almighty, where have you been hiding? Let's look again at hours worked. Average Joe works 52 weeks, 40 hours a week. That equals 2080 hours a year. Firefighters are on one of three shifts. So they will work 1/3 of the time. That equals 2912 hours a year. So your snippy little quip is nothing more than a falsehood. Man, if your going to be a prick at least try to get the facts right.
I lost track of what this thread is about but I do want to correct this statement. Fire Fighters get paid for 2,912 hours and you are on duty during that time, but I wouldn't call most of that 2,912 hours 'work'. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have beds, a basketball court, video game systems, a workout room, and other recreational material. I have none of those things at work - and for good reason - I am usually always busy at work.

I know the firefighter job is hard so don't get me wrong. I also know you aren't fighting a fire for 24 straight hours everyday and not every call is a potential life-ending call. Pizza delivery guys 'work' more hours and die more often in the line of duty.

Out of curosity, how many alarms does the OKC fire department respond to in an average day? Is there anywhere to see a break down of call type?