Oklahoma, Texas Economies Linked
Growth In One State Results In Growth For The Other

POSTED: 10:43 am CST February 19, 2010
UPDATED: 10:49 am CST February 19, 2010
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STILLWATER -- An Oklahoma State University study indicates the economic performance of Oklahoma and Texas are linked through trade and that growth in one state results in growth in the other.

Kyle Dean and Russell Evans of OSU's Center for Applied Economic Research led the study. They developed a model to estimate the level of economic interdependency existing along the Interstate 35 corridor linking Oklahoma City to Dallas and Fort Worth.

The study indicates a hypothetical 1 percent increase in the Texas region's gross domestic product will likely result in a $56 million increase in Oklahoma output. And a hypothetical 1 percent increase in the Oklahoma region GDP will likely result in a $173.7 million increase in Texas output.

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