Originally Posted by
RCJunkie it would appear that you and Mr. Couch have differing opinions on staffing issues and whether or not they are adequately funded. According to his statement in the last paragraph of his May 5, 2009 letter to the Council it looks as though the members of the OKC Fire Department aren't the only ones making the claim of underfunded staffing issues when he states;
"The recently approved Ambulance Service Membership
program will take effect in October 2009 and will reduce
the General Fund payment to the Emergency Medical
Services Authority (EMSA) by $3.3 million. A portion
of this funding has been used to balance the FY 2010
budget and the remainder, approximately $2.1 million,
will be set aside in a reserve to serve as a buffer against
the uncertainty that still exists within the economy. As
the economy begins to improve in future fiscal years,
this reserve can be used to fund increased services, such
as those identified in recent studies on Fire and Police