Quote Originally Posted by jstanthrnme View Post
So the affiliates are upset because Leno is a bad lead in to their newscast, and poor news ratings make for poor tonight show ratings. NBC knew it was a gamble when they gave Leno the new timeslot, and they lost. Now they're chasing their losses which is something a gambler should never do.

They oughta just cut Leno's show to one night a week, and change the format to an american version of Top Gear.
There was an announcement of an Top Gear USA show a year or so ago with Adam Carolla as one of the hosts. Here is an article about it: Popular Mechanics - First Adam Carolla Top Gear Q&A: Exclusive Specs on NBC Show. Now that they have the original Top Gear on BBC America, I will watch it, the new season starts this month.

I don't like Conan's show, never have but I don't blame him for telling them to stick it, I do think that the show changed too much when it moved time slots and cities, it seems to me to have lost the "edge" that he had in the later NYC time slot.

This is majority the fault of NBC brass, they screwed Leno over first with the original deadline for the Conan transition that they used to entice Conan to not jump ship to some other network. Then NBC panicked when the baby was due, I think there was a huge termination clause on Conan's contract if he didn't get the Tonight Show gig and they were afraid of Jay jumping to ABC and kicking their rear in ratings (not that it would have happened, just what they were afraid of) and advertisers following Jay to ABC. I have read some stuff about it and it seems that Zucker prefers the "easy solution" every time and will just deal will the fallout later. NBC screwed up the original transition when Carson wanted Letterman to replace him, screwed Jay over when they gave Conan a deadline and screwed Conan over in this latest debacle....seems the only constant is NBC screwing someone over.

We grew up on Carson (I am 46, my wife is 44), he is still the de facto standard for that type of show. We have always switched between Leno/Letterman so when it happened we just moved to Letterman, I still think Craig Ferguson is better than all of them.

Daily Finance - How Conan Pays the Price for NBC Chief's Lack of Vision