Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
Yes! It's a good movie and I enjoyed it. That was a bit odd that they were able to divert the shifting around the nuclear plant. They wasn't able to stop it, but the blast so powerful was able to direct it.

I wonder if this fault can actually split open and the gulf come rushing in? How possible is it?

Just wondering, have there been an earthquake anywhere in the world that split open exposing the lava down below?
Possible? Not very. Probable - maybe. However, when talking geology the time frame must be looked at a much broader scale. In Ethiopia right now is a perfect example of a rift that has developed in the crust.

Many expect that this is the start of a new ocean. However, it just started to form in 2005. This will be a process that will continue for many years long after we've been recycled many times over.

However, it needs to be understood that is a gradual process of tearing. I can't find anything where an earthquake exposed magma away from an existing volcanic system.