If you have a car that is stranded, please be aware that the city, AKA the police department, is towing cars, and you are responsible for the charges. I've got a little rant here, because my husband got stuck coming home from the hospital and has been at the hospital all day today. We spent half of yesterday trying to get his car out of the snowdrift it was in, without success. Today, I find it has been towed, despite that fact that it is a Saturday and it's off to the side on Oklahoma, which is one-way south of 10th street and dead ends two blocks from where he was stuck. They have not since plowed the street and I see three police cars lollygagging in the adjacent parking lot, chatting with each other. We've got quite enough policemen per square mile right here, and they're busy getting cars off of the sides of nonessential streets. On top of this, I get to pay for the privilege of having my car "moved', when we were going to try and dig it out this afternoon after said husband finally got off work. End rant.