I know some of you will be sick of this, BUT...Markkk Shannon again is on air threatening politicians with Gun violence. Again, how is it possible for someone to threaten another person with murder?? What if someone called in to his show, and told Shannon We need to come down there and burn your building!?? Would not that be an arson threat?? Markkk Shannon also stated WE NEED TO burn Nebraska corn fields!! ARSON THREAT!!! What if someone from Nebraska spewed.."We need to go down and burn the oilfields!! ARSON!!! and all this after threatening our Mayor with arson during the maps3 vote. I again am contacting our DA, Nebraska DA, the Secret Service, the media, and an attorney. Some one has to stop this mad man, before he kills. and ktok radio will be held responsible. Please contact officials and maybe we can have a class action lawsuit against Mark Shannon, and ktok radio.