This thread is so full of crap there are too many statements above to quote or respond to.

IGNORANT. I can say it whenever I want. If it walks, talks, or posts like one...

I have a coworker who says all the time "I'm not racist, but I hate those d. mexicans." Or "I like black people, I just wish they would get an education."
Pretty much says the same thing as I'm not racist, I just want white pride. That is racism! Find me a white person. Please. What is white? German? I've never understood this.

Move to N. Edmond or Mustang or something....WOW. Sorry to burst that bubble...they have rainbows. Mustang even has a gang problem!

Yep. Arayan brothers have symbols they spray paint all over crap. But you probably just assumed that was a mexican.

I'm out. It's like arguing with...well...ignorant people.