For those of you that follow my blog, over this weekend I'm going to be blogging about dozens of other convention centers, highlighting a handful of good and bad projects. The idea is to compare ourselves to what other cities have done and learn from their mistakes and high points. Since most of you don't follow my blog I'll post some of the stuff on here, too.

Just to get us started, the award for best-designed convention center (it's a toss-up between this city and Pittsburgh)... is Columbus. Their center isn't as flashy as the D.L.L. Convention Center, but I feel like it makes up in its innovative approach to street frontage. Typically convention centers suffer from not really flowing with the area, breaking up the flow, and being a huge block. I like how they modeled the rear of the convention center after a street with individual infill projects.

Built in '93, expanded in '99, with 1.7 million total space, and 426,000 sf of exhibition space (the '99 expansion, totaling 300,000 sf, cost a mere $81 million). They got the design from a 1989 design competition which architect Peter Eisenman won.

Here's an aerial overview:

I picked Columbus despite the fact that their convention center could really use a good remodel on the inside, and it's not too fancy on the interior either. Kind of a bare bones project. It is a lot of space though, it was built relatively cheap, features a connected convention specialty hotel, the design is the result of a design competition, and I have yet to find a comparable-sized center that interacts so well with the street level. So there you go.

Think similar to the facade of the WinStar, but instead of surrounded by the world's largest parking lot and an interstate highway, surrounded by the built environment that the facade actually mimics.

Here's the first post, where I also describe the worst convention center in the nation (Daytona Beach)..