Quote Originally Posted by ksearls View Post
That's quite a coincidence. Sounds like the same kind of place though.

Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
Couple of things I've noticed from past situations:
- Opponents of these sorts of clubs started with contacting the club owner. If not responsive, contact the property owner. If both unresponsive, I've seen some opponents publicly name the parties, post their information online as to shame them.
- Next step: I've seen people in the past not just call their council member, but show up on Tuesday and request a personal visit and show video of the offending parties. If that didn't work, the opposition then asked the council member to accompany them in watching the melee. OKC does have a public nuisance law.
Thanks for the thoughts, Steve. Trying to talk to the owner is like trying to talk to the President of the United States, as in seemingly impossible. No calls returned, no faxes returned, etc.

Several of us have done different things, but this is apparently the first time neighborhood property owners have got together to actually get something done. We have discussed the Council idea and your mentioning it here makes me think that it might be a next step.

We actually have about 30-45 minutes of video of the crazy scene on Friday nights, complete with the cops flying in with lights flashing and beeping their sirens to break up whatever is going on in the parking lot.

Chekkie, Yes, it's become worse. They still have a strict dress code and all that, but I'm not sure if that's not just part of the problem. These black guys (sorry if that offends some, but that's who we're talking about here) have their own culture to where dressing up to the nines with all the bling, and acting like a mafia boss, is considered oh so cool. I have seen them chauffeured up to the door and walk to the club doors with an entourage, I kid you not. I don't mean pull up in a limo like it's a special occasion or something, but pull up in a Lexus with tinted windows, several get out of other cars first and form a barrier of sorts before the Big Dude gets out of the Lexus with a coat that drags the parking lot. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's the kind of thing I have personally seen.

The scene at closing is something straight from the movies. Cars idling outside, all lined up, obviously offering up a bazaar of whatever you want. A couple of Fridays ago, one of the cops we talked to said he was called a "racist pig" for walking up to a group of these thugs and admitted to being human and said they were a bit intimidated, by the time backup arrives, the thugs are gone. I've heard more than one officer say they hear that all the time out there. Several of us have wondered if that's part of why something hasn't been done, because of the fear of the "racist" label. The sad thing is, this kind of thing goes on at other clubs (even random parking lots) and most people are asleep and have no idea what goes on. Multiply this by dozens and dozens and dozens of cities (many worse than ours) and it's truly a cultural problem that can't be shrugged off lightly.

Sorry for rambling. It's so frustrating.