Okay, so if anyone here knows my dilema.

My grandmother was hurt in an accident, where she was ran over by some 12 year old who was driving on a carwash parking lot.

She's well and living on her own, but gets confused sometimes thanks to the accident.

Well my grandmother calls me today, telling me some idiotic lady I used to have huge respect for named Margie, ran into my grandmother and said something like this.

"Can you please do me a favor, and come to the church with me and vote NO for Maps, or else my husband will lose his job as a firefighter."

So my grandmother blindly went over there and voted no, because she thought she was helping her husband.

Now this is where my grandmother was exploited (a person who doesn't know any better.) First off this twit Margie's husband is retired, and no longer works with anything firefighter related. They just want to vote no because of the job he USED to have.

Second off, she knows my grandmother doesn't remember well, so she said her husband was still active, which he isn't.

I seriously want to go mess up this ladies house or something, because no one messes over my grandmother. No one I know should ever exploit someone who doesn't know any better, regardless.

This really ticks me off, and it goes to show how sad people can be when they want something to go there way.

Humans shame me at times. Downright dispicable.