For a city with so many plans and high hopes for the future, i can't for the life of me understand how one of the most basic needs for a major metro area continues to go unmet. The roads i'm forced to drive on daily in this city are nothing short of an embarrassment for the city. Am i really expecting too much when all i want are smooth driving surfaces? Is it that unrealistic to expect not to have to dodge pot holes the size of golf bunkers, 3 inch drop offs where manholes are in the street, the debris left behind by emergency response personnel at the location of a car wreck, the wavy ripples you have to traverse when going through many of the city's intersections?
Pardon the rant, but i'm tired i'm just a little tired of having to get my vehicles realigned every other week not to mention the tires and bent rims i've endured over the years. The conditions of the city streets are exactly why i have to laugh anytime someone talks about the lofty expectations for the future of OKC.
"In order to be a leader in the future, you must first conquer the problems that have plagued you in the past"
/end of rant